How a low-cost airline achieved record growth with automation and WhatsApp

Discover how, within just one year, one of Europe’s leading low-cost airlines increased the number of cases solved by automation from 30% to 68%, reduced call centre volume by 28%, and elevated customer satisfaction to 9.6, all by leveraging the power of automation with messaging and chat to improve customer service.

"These initiatives have significantly improved our ability to provide exceptional customer service while reducing costs. Hubtype has enabled us to automate complex processes, allowing us to focus on delivering personalised support where it matters most."

— Customer Service Director

Company profile

Multiasistencia is the leading company in managing multi-risk claims for homes, businesses, and communities for insurance groups. Multiasistencia is an independent multinational group that provides outsourcing solutions (Business Process Outsourcing or “BPO”) for large corporate clients, mainly in the banking and insurance sectors.

Founded in the early 1980s, it specializes in the management and repair of claims of the home multi-risk portfolios of insurance groups. Multiasistencia is the leading independent operator in this activity in Spain, France, Portugal, and Brazil.

In 2018, Multiasistencia was bought by Allianz in an effort to reinforce its leadership position in the home and assistance markets, which also enabled Multiasistencia to improve its international development options.

Self-service is core to their strategy, enabling customers to manage bookings, add services, and resolve issues independently. This reduces call centre strain and improves efficiency. However, scalability during crises was a concern. The airline faced major call centre traffic during natural disasters and geopolitical events that required flight cancellations and temporary suspensions at specific airports.

Facing demanding call centre volumes and a non-functional web chat, the airline sought scalable ways to improve customer experience by increasing automation and making WhatsApp a primary customer service channel.



High call centre volume

The airline needed to reduce the overwhelming volume of calls to its call centre, which reached over 1 million calls in 2021 due to pandemic-related travel disruptions, changing regulations, and increased customer anxiety.

Lack of automation

They realised that relying solely on informative use cases was insufficient and began exploring market solutions to improve automation for complex tasks like adding baggage, changing flights, or selecting seat assignments. They noticed significant profit potential was being left untapped as they attempted to scale.

Scalability shortcomings

The existing customer experience structure lacked the scalability needed to handle unexpected spikes in customer service demands. Events like the 2010 volcanic eruption and various geopolitical crises highlighted the need for a solution to manage mass cancellations beyond the company’s control.

The 5-month transformation

New web chat chatbot

The airline started by replacing its existing chatbot with Hubtype’s chat platform in a phased approach. This included integrating the new chat system with their CRM to ensure seamless data flow and efficient case management.

Call deflection to chat

To reduce call centre volume, we implemented an IVR deflection system that redirected calls to chat, allowing customers to quickly resolve their inquiries through messaging channels.

FAQ chatbot

An FAQ bot was introduced to handle common questions, reducing the workload on human agents and providing instant responses to customers.

Transactional bot

We developed a transactional bot to automate complex use cases, such as adding a bag to a booking. This turned costly support tickets into automated upsells.

CRM integration

Hubtype’s integration capabilities allowed the airline to seamlessly connect its messaging and chat systems with its CRM, ensuring a unified view of customer interactions.

Automation on web chat and WhatsApp

We increased automation on both web chat and WhatsApp, enabling the airline to handle a higher volume of cases through these channels. This included handling complex use cases, integrations, FAQs, and providing human assistance when needed.

Adding different languages

To cater to a diverse customer base, the airline implemented multilingual support with an auto-translate feature, improving accessibility and customer satisfaction while increasing agent productivity.

Data Insights and Integrated Analytics

By incorporating exhaustive data insights and integrated analytics, the airline gained a comprehensive understanding of how their bots and agents were performing. This helped identify bottlenecks and provided actionable solutions to improve their processes, ensuring continuous improvement and efficiency.

Why they chose Hubtype

The airline urgently needed an advanced self-service solution to scale profitably. Our phased approach allowed us to start immediately. Operating in multiple stages, we began by replacing the existing web chat with a high-functioning alternative and concluded by implementing advanced automation to streamline the company’s processes—all without negatively impacting existing customer communications during the setup process. Thanks to the hands-on dedication of our team of conversational designers, we fully implemented the new system in just five months.

The recommendation for the airline to work with Hubtype came from trusted industry partners. Our proven track record of automating complex use cases and ensuring GDPR compliance was crucial in their decision-making process. They were particularly impressed with our ability to improve user experience through conversational apps rather than simple chatbots. Since then, other major airlines have also adopted similar solutions, inspired by our success.


Automation for adding a bag to bookings

22% IVR call deflection

Significant reduction in call centre volume due to IVR deflection.

74% faster process

The automation made adding a bag to a booking 74% faster.

9.6 CSAT

High customer satisfaction score, reflecting the effectiveness of the solution.

Overall impact

28% fewer calls

A 28% reduction in call volume due to the adoption of Hubtype’s conversational apps.

62% of cases solved by automation

A significant portion of cases were resolved through automated processes.

Peak Season Management

Because of high automation % and agent efficiency tools, they were capable of managing a 40% increase in customer interactions during peak seasons seamlessly.

Breakthrough improvements in 24 months

Over 24 months, the airline achieved remarkable results:

5%-> 52%

Cases handled in chat & messaging

95% -> 48%

Cases handled in the call centre

30% -> 68%

Cases solved by automation


Customer satisfaction

The partnership with Hubtype empowered the airline to transform its customer service operations, achieving higher efficiency, increased automation, and improved customer satisfaction.

As Hubtype continues to develop new features and technologies and discovers new use cases within the industry, the airline plans to further improve its customer service capabilities, ensuring a seamless and satisfying experience for its customers.


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