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Retail Chatbots are the Next Big Fashion Trend

by Jenna Alburger,

July 17, 2017
5 min

Key points

The fashion industry has changed over the last decade. Fashion influencers, bloggers -- and now retail chatbots -- help brands stay competitive.

Retail Chatbots are the Next Big Fashion Trend

The state of online retail

According to a recent Forbes article, multichannel is the new normal. Connecting with customers through non-traditional methods is now imperative.

Brick and mortar stores are still important. But, they mostly round out brand experiences happening across many touch-points. For Forbes (and retailers) this raises an important question:

“How can independent retailers maintain active presences in all of these places and keep fulfillment streamlined? This calls for deep integration across all channels, including websites, marketplaces, social media and brick-and-mortar.”

Moreover, retail trends are being driven by shifts in technology. And, buyers are increasingly seeking shopping that is tailored to their preferences.

The answer to the question Forbes raises is one that puts the customer at the core of marketing strategies. The tool that’s best up for the task? A retail chatbot.

Trending now: Retail chatbots

Fashion brands are turning to technology to help create personalised experiences. Retail chatbots help companies deliver a personal touch that’s sometimes missing in a digital space.

When customers shop for clothes, especially designer labels, they want to feel catered to and understood.

Retail chatbots are helping brands like Burberry, ASOS, Sephora, Victoria’s Secret, and Tommy Hilfiger attended to their client’s needs. They’re bridging the gap between the customer and the retailer in a convenient and personalised way.

For brands that want to stay competitive in an industry that’s constantly evolving, retail chatbots are the new black.

Retail chatbots create engaging experiences

Chatbots aren’t just text-based. Chatbots use webviews, graphic images, and product photos to create intuitive experiences. The retail industry is perhaps best positioned to benefit from these features. Chatbots recommend products in a conversational way, pulling in media-rich elements that add even more value.

The experience for shoppers is one that leads to brand loyalty and choice. Retail chatbots also encourage shoppers to buy more through upselling and cross-selling opportunities. These factors come together to drive revenue and significant returns for brands.

Retail chatbots and fashion influencers: better together

Social media helps brands start important conversations. Fashion is becoming more and more cultural as shoppers look to public figures for the latest trends. Companies now work with these influencers and are ramping up affiliate marketing tactics and sponsored content.

Instagram and Facebook are ushering in these trends. Shoppable posts and new formats turn social accounts into immersive storefronts. And, the results are powerful.

Through influencers, brands connect with a highly engaged and relevant audience. Compared to that of traditional media campaigns, the returns on investment can be much higher.

Chatbots pick up the conversation where a blogger or influencer left off. They continue a dialogue in a casual and approachable way.

Retail chatbots also make new connections and build new relationships. These dialogues are crucial to making creating and continuing a personal experience that stands out.  

Retail chatbots add much-needed scale

Creating personal experiences that cater to such a wide audience isn’t easy. That’s why companies rely on chatbots to make their multichannel strategy work. Retail chatbots make it feasible for brands to connect with customers on messaging and social media apps.

Depending on the goals of the company, chatbots can handle whole or partial conversations. They can seamlessly hand-off conversations to human agents where necessary.

With Hubtype’s framework, it’s easier than ever to create a bespoke retail chatbot, built for your customer’s needs.

Ready to build your own conversational chatbot? If you’re a developer, start using our platform now or alternatively, contact us for more information.